Testing and Assessment FAQs

What tests will my child be required to take?

Families enrolling in VAVA must be willing to participate in all required areas of the program, including:

  • Course lesson assessments
  • Course unit assessments
  • Semester assessments
  • Diagnostic testing (iReady, NWEA) 
  • Virginia State Standards of Learning (SOL)
  • Online synchronous conferencing with the teacher
  • Phone conferencing with the teacher

Will my child have to participate in state testing?

Yes. VAVA students must comply with all state-mandated testing requirements.

How is student progress assessed?

VAVA’s K–5 program is mastery based, which means students master concepts and lessons before moving on to the next lesson. Following No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and state guidelines, students are expected to make at least a year’s growth in a year’s time. Teachers will assess mastery and provide feedback to students and families. Middle and high school students are assessed based on assignments, quizzes, tests, etc.